Learning should be fun.

Kids need to want to attend a learning center, not because they feel they are not making the mark, but because they are having fun learning and growing.

We like to mix old-fashioned learning with modern education to get the most out of your learning experience. We like to integrate hands-on skills into learning such as typewriting and gardening and use modern programs such as gamified learning apps and choose your own adventure learning.

Families come first.

You should feel welcomed at our space just as much as your child. We encourage open communication between tutors and families to foster a meaningful relationship.

Parents are welcomed to stay in our space and make themselves at home. We also host monthly parent events to show our appreciation for you!

it starts with a happy teacher.

The national teaching shortage is a growing problem in our nation, and it really shouldn’t be. Great teachers will go where they feel valued.

That is why we pay our tutors a highly competitive rate, give incentives and bonuses when they achieve real results with their students, and allow teachers to do what they do best, teach.

Our Subjects

  • Reading

    In our reading courses, we focus on the science of reading through novel studies, genre studies, and deciphering critical information for a higher understanding. Our content is centered around fun and relatable sources to engage our readers.

  • Writing

    In our writing course, we focus on the art of storytelling, persuasive writing, research, and reinforce English Standard Conventions. Our lessons are centered around individualized and group projects.

  • STEM

    In our STEM (Sciences, Technoloy, Engineering, and Math) courses, we focus on building foundational knowledge and real-world skills. Our lessons are hands-on projects and discovery-based learning.

  • Art

    In our art courses, we focus on digital and studio art. In our digital courses, we focus on Adobe Creative Cloud Applications in photo editing, video editing, animation, and resume building. In our studio art courses, we focus on traditional practices in drawing and painting.


  • When you sign up, you will set up sessions with your tutor; depending on the frequency and nature of your sessions, you will then receive a monthly invoice.

  • We offer virtual and in-person sessions in order to best meet the needs of our families. Though we recommend in-person for the best results, we know that may not always be an option for everyone. That is why we will mail you a welcome package and individualized prizes in order to feel as connected as possible.

  • Once you sign up for services, you will receive a welcome email from your child's new tutor as well as an outline of the terms of service you agree to. You will also be asked to fill out a questionnaire on your child's needs and interest so we are aligned on your child's learning journey.

  • We offer sponsorship for low-income families as well as promotional discounts as often as possible.

    Fill out our contact form and subscribe to our newsletter to learn more.