Our Vision

Our Vision is to create a culture of learning for the students we serve.

Our mission is to ensure the students we serve are able to grow academically in order to foster their unique talents.

Our Mission

our promise:



We use real children in our photos, this one in particular is our son. The purpose of Tudious is for our son to have the education he deserves when he grows up.

Our promise is to give children the best education possible. Our dream is to foster every child into a lifelong learner.


Michael and Eugenia Durkan, Co-founders

Our philosophy

We follow Jerome Bruner’s Constructivist approach to learning.

What does that mean?

We teach concretely, using hands on objects kids can connect to. Then we use pictorial models, having images and visual representations to help kids connect the dots. Then when the child has completely understood the concept, they can apply it in abstractly, through text and projects.

In a nutshell, we teach a topic using use real objects, then pictures, and then allow kids to understand the topic in text.

The same method is used in Singapore Math, which is one of the top three countries in math performance worldwide.

We employ a balance of modern and traditional learning.

What does this mean?

Students use technology in building specific skills (such as learning programs for digital design and engineering) while the majority of learning is hands-on and social.

We found that having long-term, hands-on projects in the classroom, (such as an indoor garden, a classroom pet, and a student-run newspaper) that children will feel ownership over their learning environment.

We use a house system in our program.

What does this mean?

Students are sorted into houses: the House of Lynx, Dragon, or Honey Badger. Once a student is given his or her house assignment, they will learn of other students in their house and will be given opportunities to earn rewards.

Students can earn points for their house individually and/or in groups. Each month, students will be able to cash in their points for a personalized reward. Depending on how much they work and grow, their reward could be big!